The Green Key Award


We were so excited to achieve the international Green Key award in recognition of Bluestone's excellent environmental standards in November 2020. Find out more about the scheme and why it's so important.


What is the Green Key Award?

Green Key is the largest global eco-label awarded to more than 3,100 tourism providers in 66 countries worldwide. From hotels, to B&B's, self-catering cottages, campsites, attractions, and conference centres Green Key offers an environmentally sustainable choice when planning holidays, excursions, or business trips.

Green Key has been developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education, the same organisation that runs the prestigious Blue Flag award for beaches, like Blue Flag Green Key is run in Wales by the charity Keep Wales Tidy. Green Key is recognised by the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations World Tourism Organisation as well as UNESCO.

Accreditation guides hospitality providers through the process of making their businesses more sustainable. Areas of focus include energy, water, waste, green activities, and guest engagement.

To learn more about Green Key please look at our website


Aims of Green Key:

  • Increase the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable methods of operation and technology in the establishments and thereby reduce the overall use of resources.

  • Raise awareness and create behavioural changes in guests, staff, and suppliers of individual tourism establishments.

  • Increase the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable methods and raise awareness to create behavioural changes in the hospitality and tourism industry overall



Why it's so important

The Green Key award is a leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. It stands for an establishment’s promise to its guests that by opting to stay with such an establishment, they are helping to make a difference on an environmental and sustainability level.

We're committed to sustainable tourism, and the recognition from Green Key validates the important work we've been doing since we opened in 2008 and motivates us to only improve in the future. Bluestone now joins other fellow Green Key Award members across the world, and here in Wales. Currently, 43 tourism providers carry this recognition, with 30 in England, one in Scotland, and one in Northern Ireland.

On receiving the award, Marten Lewis, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Bluestone National Park Resort said:

 "We are delighted to have been awarded the prestigious Green Key eco award. Our team has worked so hard to achieve this and we are so proud to be accredited."


What we've been doing

Find out why we were recognised by Green Key and learn more about what we've done since opening in 2008 to create a resort with sustainability and respect for the environment at the heart of everything we do.



Discover More


Find out about the sustainable future we're building at our Pembrokeshire resort.


Nature and wildlife diversity
Sustainable Development
To secure a sustainable and fair future